If the accident you were involved was minor, chances are you will not need to hire a lawyer. However, if you or other people in your vehicle were injured or extensive damage was done to your property, then you should probably hire a lawyer. Having an experienced attorney will help protect your right in court and during the settlement negotiation process. At Sneed | Mitchell Law Firm we work hard to obtain maximum payment for your case.
Car accident lawsuits tend to involve complicated legal claims. Saying so, we don’t not recommend that you proceed without a lawyer.
Insurance Offered: $24,500.
Obtained for mother and daughter with neck, back, and shoulder injuries from a multiple-vehicle collision.
Insurance Offered: $11,000
Our client suffered spine injuries at L4, along with concussion symptoms after being hit at a crosswalk.
Our lawyers proved liability with our accident re-constructionist, forcing the insurance carrier to pay for all past and future damages.
When you call Sneed|Mitchell after your offshore accident, you can count on us to:
Investigate The Scene & Vessel
We know maritime accidents. We’ll investigate your injury and determine how and why it happened. Our maritime injury lawyers have the experience to gather the evidence and build a strong claim for you.
Protect Your Rights
When you file a claim for a maritime injury, several parties may dispute your claim to avoid paying you benefits. At Sneed|Mitchell LLP we’ll help make sure your rights are protected throughout the life of the case by standing up to the insurance company and other parties.
Remain Transparent & Informative
Filing a claim for maritime injuries can be daunting, and this field is full of lawyers that claim to handle offshore litigation, but lack the experience or resources to appropriately assist you and your family in securing complete compensation. Our firm not only has the experience, but also keeps clients informed of our strategies throughout the entire process. We want you to understand our approach and the claims evolution throughout the life of your case.
"If you need and attorney I would recommend them to anyone...
Sneed|Mitchell is hands down the best. Compassionate about what they do and totally in it to care for the client. After the crash they treated me like family, not an attorney after money.
They did what was best for me at every turn. I couldn't have ask for better attorneys then Brittany and Niles to be by my side as they aren't only great attorneys, but great people! I was blessed to find them after my accident!
- Sneed|Mitchell Client

We are known for our records verdict and settlements across the country, the top awards and accolades we're received from our success, and being members of the best attorneys in America.
Q: Does having a lawyer increase my settlement?
Q: Does having a lawyer increase my chances of winning?
We are known for our record verdicts and settlements across the country, the top awards and accolades we’ve received from our success, and being members of the best attorney groups in America.

We're proud to be rated among the best accident lawyers in Houston.

Justice doesn't sleep, so we're available 24/7 and at your side when you need us most.
Insurance Offered: $2,000.
Unbeaten and Experienced Represenation For Offshore Workers and their Families
The partners and affiliated attorneys of Sneed|Mitchell LLP have established and constantly maintained their reputation as highly effective Gulf Coast maritime law attorneys in the service of plaintiffs in Houston, across Texas, and Internationally. Call the Texas maritime lawyers of Sneed|Mitchell LLP to see how our unbeaten Maritime and Jones Act attorney can make the difference for you or your loved one.
Maritime and admiralty law is specially designed to protect the rights of individuals that work at sea or on sea vessels. Federal courts oversee maritime issues, and without an attorney that is prepared to take your case to this level of jurisdiction, you may not receive the compensation you deserve for any maritime accidents you experience. If you or someone you love has been injured at sea, contact Sneed|Mitchell LLP today at (866)434-0014 for more information about our services.
Fearless and Relentless Against Every Major Oil Conglomerate. Put Your Case In Experienced Hands:

Whether your injury occurred at sea, in coastal areas, or on inland waters, you need the an experienced Texas maritime attorney with an international reach. Our Gulf Coast Maritime Attorneys have a proven track record in State and Federal courts of successful verdicts and settlements for offshore workers and their families.
5 Reasons To Call Us Now: (713) 800-6676
We have won Millions of dollars on behalf of our clients
We helped injured clients and families in all 50 states on behalf of our clients
We have won Millions of dollars on behalf of our clients
We use contingency fees so you never pay unless we win your case.
We offer completely free, confidential, and no-obligation case evaluations.
We pride ourselves in offshore clients telling us we feel like family. Many law firms have also secured millions for clients, but few lawyers provide clients their cellular numbers, visit their homes, learn of their daily process while injured, and even fly to the scene. The Maritime Lawyers of Sneed|Mitchell aren't simply awarded litigators, but were selected for their compassion, altruistic nature, and downright good hearts. Let Sneed|Mitchell show you why our law firm is 90% driven by client referrals.
Are you ready to take the first step? Sneed|Mitchell is ready to help you get started. Contact our firm today to arrange your FREE, no-risk consultation.
What Did The Offshore Accident Cost You Or Your Loved One?
There are no minor Offshore Injuries. Compensation can offer you the relief you need, plus much more for the unseaworthiness of the vessel. Our Gulf Coast Maritime Lawyers can win you following forms of compensation:
Economic damages may include:
Medical treatment
Property damage
Lost wages
Out-of-pocket expenses
Non-economic damages may include:
Pain and suffering
Loss of companionship
Loss of earning potential
Loss of ability to enjoy life
Exemplary damages
Punitive damages are awarded in addition to actual damages in certain circumstances. Punitive damages are considered punishment and are typically awarded at the court's discretion when the defendant's behavior is found to be especially harmful.
No matter your injury, we can help. Contact our Maritime Lawyers to learn what your case is worth.

We’re proud to be rated among the Texas Best Maritime Lawyers
The Admiralty Jurisdiction Extension Act of 1948 provided that admiralty jurisdiction of district courts does extend to injuries or damage on land caused by vessels while they were still on navigable waters and can include:
Property damage on bridges by vessels traveling navigable waters
Damage / injury caused to or on a pier by a vessel
Injury to maritime employees injured on land while working near their vessel
Persons injured while involved in loading, unloading, or storing operations for vessel cargo
The extension widens the scope of original jurisdiction held by admiralty courts. When a court has original jurisdiction over a subject, that means it must be the first to hear any claims made. Due to this Act, admiralty courts have original jurisdiction over cases involving ships on navigable waters that caused damage onshore. Prior to this extension, there were cases in which neither federal admiralty law nor local state law covered the legal claims arising from land-based injuries caused by maritime vessels. The extension does not preempt state law where it does apply; rather, it provides legal remedy for injured parties where state law falls short.
Q: Does my claim fall under Admiralty Law?
Have you or someone you love been seriously injured while working offshore? If so, you should not hesitate to contact the experienced admiralty lawyers from Sneed|Mitchell LLP as soon as possible. Backed by extensive experience, our firm is proud to have won billions of dollars in verdicts and settlements. We are fully committed to the success of our clients, which can be seen in our testimonials, case results, and more.
We represent all types of injured seamen, including those injured aboard the following:
Q: My loved one died while offshore, what's the recourse?
Congress enacted the Death on the High Seas Act (DOHSA) in 1920 as a part of the United States Code. Our lawyers utilize the act to work with the decedent's personal representative to pursue a claim on behalf of the victim of wrongful death. The award obtained from the claim is added to the estate and disbursed in accordance with the decedent's established estate plan or the laws of succession in the state where the estate is established.
At Sneed|Mitchell, we understand that financial compensation will never replace the absence of your loved one; however, we do believe in holding the negligent parties accountable for their actions. Furthermore, this type of legal action is intended to provide you with the monetary support you need in order to move forward from this tragic loss. Deaths on the high seas may fall under DOHSA and will also involve other maritime statutes. These legal matters require the attention of professionals who understand wrongful death through the lens of maritime law.
Q: What legal claim are there for Longshoremen?
the Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act (LHWCA) to provide workers' compensation benefits to civilian workers who are employed as Jones Act Seaman.
Q: How Does Sneed|Mitchell prove the claims of Seaman?
A ship owner has a duty to provide a seaworthy vessel that is properly maintained and equipped and staffed by a trained crew. If a seaman or crew member is injured or becomes ill as a result of a vessel's unseaworthiness, the owner is liable to the seaman for his damages and loss. An injured seaman or maritime worker is entitled to paid medical treatment as well as room and board under the general maritime law principles of maintenance and cure.
Malfunctioning or poorly maintained machinery and equipment;
An inadequate number of crew members;
Lack of appropriate safety rails or guards on equipment and machinery;
Lack of fire extinguishers or fire suppression equipment;
Rusty hatches or doors with failed seals;
Lack of proper hoists or elevators;
Lack of proper safety equipment, including life rafts and life jackets;
Untrained or incompetent crew or captain;
Lack of safe living areas;
Lack of sufficient food;
Improperly stowed cargo; and
Steep steps aboard ship.
The owner is responsible for upholding the strict standards of a vessel to provide an environment that is reasonable for the seaman. It is the "absolute duty" of the vessel's owner that all aspects of the vessel and the ongoing operations meet the safety requirements; this obligation falls to no one else.
Q: Does the Maritime Employer have any Defenses?
In certain cases is allowed to limit liability if the negligence or unseaworthy condition of the vessel causing the loss occurred without the knowledge of the owner.
A loss of property, goods, or merchandise placed on board the vessel as well as losses resulting from personal injuries or death, collisions, and cargo losses fall within the Limitation of Liability Act. The liability for the loss is limited to the value of the vessel and its "freight then pending" after the time the loss occurred.
Q: I'm being denied is medical treatment!
An injured fisherman or fish processor’s employer, in almost all cases, is required to pay all of an injured crewman’s reasonable and necessary medical expenses. This is a right owed to an injured fisherman, and Federal maritime law requires your employer to pay your medical bills. You also have the right to select your own doctors and seek reasonable second opinions. The vessel owner and the employer cannot require that you only be treated by doctors they choose. As an injured seaman, you are entitled to receive the best medical care possible under the circumstances as long as that care is reasonable.
Many Maritime Workers have pre-existing medical conditions, and it not uncommon for a crewman to aggravate a preexisting injury while working aboard his vessel. If your prior injury has been aggravated as a result of negligence of the vessel, you are entitled to compensation for the increase in your injury.
Q: Can I have a valid claim even with pre-existing injuries?
Q: What if I was partly liable for causing my injuries?
If a commercial fisherman is partially at fault for his own injury, he is not barred from compensation for his injuries. Maritime law has adopted a comparative fault system which recognizes that there may be more than one cause of an injury to a seaman or commercial fisherman. Determining the percentage of fault between the injured crewman and the employer and vessel owner is very complex. Maritime law places a greater burden on the employer to protect their crewman from injury than is placed on the crewman.
Q: I was injured in foreign waters, can you help?
The United States courts are the world’s premier legal system, and the best place for maximum recovery of damages. Before hearing your case, your maritime attorney and the U.S. courts will have to determine jurisdiction – the official power to make legal decisions and judgments. The following three points will be considered when determining jurisdiction for a maritime worker injured in foreign waters:
The nationality of the injured person
The county where the employer is based
The registration of the vessel
Like each injury, the jurisdiction of each case is unique. When a U.S maritime worker is injured in foreign waters, an experienced attorney can make all the difference. Analyzing the details of the case and determining the best strategy for obtaining compensation is the job of Sneed|Mitchell LLP – the Texas Maritime law firm with years of experience in foreign water maritime claims.
Admiralty Jurisdiction Extension Act
Admiralty Law
Death on the High Seas Information
General Maritime Law
Limitation of Liability
Longshoreman Rights
Medical Treatment Denials
Maritime Law & the Gulf Coast
U.S. Maritime Workers in Foreign Waters
* Read in detail about our many successful results in personal injury by visiting our case results page.
Get a FREE Case Review:
Legal Fees: $284,000
Case Expenses: $3,000
Legal Fees: $284,000
Case Expenses: $3,000
Legal Fees: $284,000
Case Expenses: $3,000
* Read in detail about our many successful results in personal injury by visiting our case results page.
We don't ask our clients for reviews or pay for 100+ fake ones, give ours a read and you can tell you're in good hands.
Luckily we had Sneed/Mitchell to deal with the insurance who didn't want to pay and they made sure to get every dollar of our policy to pay for surgery and the bills from my wife missing 6 weeks of work."
- J. Parker
Use this law firm! I never write reviews, but my son and I were in a fatal car accident on the Hardy Toll road, causing multiple longterm injuries. I was SO worried, but Sneed|Mitchell fixed everything and MAXED out all at-fault policies!"
- Valerie Clark
We have answered the most critical questions for you here so that your next step is the best. For even you can call us directly and we'll handle everything.
What is the Admiralty Jurisdiction Extension Act?
Does my claim fall under Admiralty Law?
My loved one died while at sea, what's the recourse?
I was a jones act season, what are my remedies?
Does a Maritime employer have any defenses?
Does Sneed|Mitchell also help Longshoreman?
I'm being denied medical treatment!
Can I have a valid claim even with pre-existing injuries?
What if I was partly liable in causing my injuries?
I was a U.S. worker in foreign waters, can you help?