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The spine is indispensable to the functioning and well being of the human body. Spinal cord injuries after physical trauma--many of which result in irreversible changes in mobility and sensation--are often devastating for both victims and their families.

If you or someone you love sustained severe spinal cord injuries in Houston due to negligence or wrongful action in, the law may entitle you to receive compensation to cover your medical expenses and  lost wages, pain and suffering, and more. Call our Houston Spinal Injury Lawyers us today at (866)434-0014 or fill our our contact form and we'll call you now.

Why Spinal Cord Injuries Are So Significant?

The spinal cord is responsible for relaying information between the brain and the body. Composed of a bundle of nerves, it begins at the base of the brain, runs down the middle of the back, and ends just above the waist. The delicate nerves of the  spinal cord are protected by thirty-three ring-shaped bones, or vertebrae, making up the spinal column. Force sustained by the spinal column can damage the vertebrae, causing irreversible injury to the nerves in the spinal cord, which do not regenerate.


The effect of a spinal cord injury on the rest of the body is dependent on the location and extent of the damage. Typically, trauma to the nerves within the spinal column results in paralysis and loss of sensation in the portion of the body below the injury.

How Each Section Of The Spine Controls Movement 

Locations on the spinal cord can be described with the letter and number that identifies the associated vertebrae.

  • Cervical Section (C1 to C8): The cervical portion of the spine controls and supports the movement of the head, neck, and shoulders.

  • Thoracic Section (T1 to T12): The thoracic spine supports and controls chest muscles and portions of the back and abdomen.

  • Lumbar Section (L1 to L5): The lumbar region of the spine supports and controls the lower abdomen, back, legs and genital organs.

  • S Section - S1 to S5: This final portion of the spinal cord sends signals to the legs, thighs, feet, and anus. The S5 portion also contains an extensive rope of nerves, which provide critical sensory sensitivity to the skin.


Classification of Spinal Cord Injuries


  • Complete: If all sensation and motor function is lost below the spinal cord injury, the injury is ‘complete.’

  • Incomplete: If some motor or sensory function remains below the affected area, the injury is ‘incomplete.’ Incomplete spinal cord injuries exist in varying degrees according to the loss of functionality sustained.


Paralysis resulting from an injury to the spinal cord may fall into the categories of paraplegia, or quadriplegia. Paraplegia indicates the loss of movement only in the lower body, while quadriplegia indicates the loss of movement in both the upper and lower body.


Determining Liability In Spinal Cord Injury Cases


Damage to the spinal cord caused by negligence or malicious actions results in life-changing emotional, physical, and financial costs for the victim. Consequently, those who have sustained spine injuries due to the wrongful actions of individuals or companies deserve appropriate compensation. Multiple persons or entities may be at fault for a serious spinal cord injury. A skilled legal team like ours can identify all negligent pirates involved in a case. The Injury Team at Sneed|Mitchell LLP  has handled many similar cases. Our experience means that we know what to look for, how to demonstrate fault, and how to ensure that our clients receive the best possible settlements.

What To Do After A Spinal Cord Injury?

In the immediate aftermath of an accident, check for vital signs, keep the body stable and call for emergency medical attention. Do not move the victim under any circumstances, or allow them to move themselves. 


The symptoms of spinal cord damage may take days or weeks to appear after an accident. Ongoing back pain after any sort of accident may be a sign of a severe spinal injury. Because of this, it is always important to schedule a doctor’s appointment as soon as possible following an accident, as well as a follow-up check shortly after the initial visit. The doctor may order an X-ray, MRI or other imaging tests to diagnose the injury.

Treatment For Spinal Cord Injuries

The treatment of injuries to the spine can take several forms, depending on the location, nature, and severity of the injury. Special devices designed to stabilize or align the spine may be necessary following a spinal cord injury. Metal braces attached to weights or a body harness and secured to the skull are sometimes used to keep the head stable. A rigid neck collar may also work in less severe cases. Surgery may be necessary to stabilize the spine, repair it, or remove items that are compressing vital nervous tissue. 


In certain cases, phenol and Botox may be injected into the surrounding muscle in order to support the recovery of the spinal column. In other cases, a small pump that can deliver medication directly to the injury site can be surgically implanted to aid with recovery. 


Rehabilitation after a spinal cord injury begins in the early stages of recovery, and may include physical therapist, occupational therapist, rehabilitation psychologists, and even dietary support in addition to more traditional medical treatment. 


The aftereffects of such injuries are chronic and  life-changing, with both their initial and ongoing treatment being extremely expensive. Medical advancement is spinal cord rehabilitation includes voice technologies and computer controlled mechanisms that aid injury victims in handling everyday tasks, such as accessing the internet or using a smartphone The large bills associated with spinal cord injuries, in addition to the life-altering side effects, contribute to the large awards often secured in legal settlements, as victims must grapple with the enormous financial cost of their ongoing treatment.

How Our Clients Suffer Spinal Cord Injuries

The Center of Disease Control provides that more than 2,500 spinal cord injuries in the United States each year. Violent movements, like in a car accident, cause vertebral bones in the spine or discs to shift under countering forces, often resulting in life-altering injuries. Our clients have suffered spinal cord injuries in the following situations: 

You Can Rely On Our Strong Legal Team


If you or a loved one has suffered a spinal cord or back injury as the result of another's negligent or reckless conduct, the Houston Spinal Cord Injury attorneys of Sneed|Mitchell LLP - The Injury Team, can help. We have offices in Houston, Austin,  and Fort Worth, and we represent clients throughout Texas.

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