Case referrals are a partnership we undertake with meticulous care
Attorney Case Referrals
As a premier plaintiff’s law firm, Sneed|Mitchell regularly receive referrals from lawyers engaged in all types of practice areas throughout the United States that have occurred in Texas. We understand the responsibility we undertake when we represent a client who is referred to us by another attorney, and we are grateful that other lawyers have confidence in our ability to obtain the best result for their clients.
At Sneed|Mitchell, we value our relationships with referring attorneys, and look forward to entering into new relationships with lawyers who are referring matters to us for the first time. We believe our involvement will enhance the value of every case we accept, and accordingly benefit both the client and the referring attorney.
In addition to referrals, we will also consider joint venturing on various cases with attorneys who wish to stay more actively involved in the litigation. The amount of the referral fee percentage will depend upon the individual circumstances of the case, including the type of case, the level of risk, and the stage of the litigation. All fee-sharing arrangements are confirmed in writing, and referral fees are paid promptly on the same day that our firm receives our share of the fee.
We are always happy to discuss a referral of a significant case and how we can help to maximize the recovery for your client. Please call or e-mail any of our attorneys to discuss any matter in which we might be able to provide assistance.
*Pro hac vice admission is when a lawyer not licensed in a particular state associates with a lawyer who is licensed in that state and obtains the court's permission to jointly represent a client in a specific matter.

Sneed|Mitchell LLP maintains industry leading experts in the form of economists, reconstructionists, surgeons, and more, to fortify your client's case.